Should I Kill Cassandra Outer Worlds (2024)

If you've found yourself pondering whether to end the virtual life of Cassandra in The Outer Worlds, you're not alone. The game, with its myriad of choices and consequences, presents players with moral dilemmas at every turn. So, should you pull the trigger on Cassandra or spare her? Let's dive deep into the intricacies of this decision.

Understanding Cassandra's Role

Cassandra O'Malley is a character you encounter in The Outer Worlds, a game renowned for its rich storytelling and immersive gameplay. She's not just any NPC; Cassandra is a key figure in the Sublight faction, a group with its own motivations and agendas in the Halcyon colony.

The Moral Quandary

The decision to kill Cassandra boils down to a moral choice. On one hand, you may view her as an obstacle, someone standing in the way of your goals or conflicting with your values. On the other hand, you might see her as a complex individual with her own reasons and justifications for her actions.

The Consequences of Your Actions

In The Outer Worlds, every action has consequences, and killing Cassandra is no exception. Depending on your choice, you may alter the course of the game's narrative, impact relationships with other characters, and even influence the fate of entire factions.

Exploring Alternatives

Before making a decision, it's worth considering alternative options. Can you achieve your objectives without resorting to violence? Is there a way to resolve conflicts through dialogue or diplomacy? The Outer Worlds rewards creative thinking and offers multiple paths to success.

The Ripple Effect

Killing Cassandra isn't just about removing a character from the game; it's about the ripple effect it creates in the world of Halcyon. Your actions send shockwaves through the narrative, shaping the outcome of future events and shaping the world around you.

Player Agency and Choice

One of the defining features of The Outer Worlds is its emphasis on player agency. You have the power to shape the story according to your own moral compass, making choices that reflect your values and beliefs. Whether you decide to spare Cassandra or end her life, the decision is ultimately yours to make.


In the end, the question of whether to kill Cassandra in The Outer Worlds is a deeply personal one. It's a choice that reflects not only your in-game objectives but also your own ethical framework. Consider the consequences, weigh your options, and make the decision that feels right for you.


1. Will killing Cassandra affect my relationship with other factions? Yes, depending on your actions, killing Cassandra may influence your standing with other factions in the game.

2. Can I complete the game without killing Cassandra? Yes, there are alternative ways to progress through the game without resorting to violence against Cassandra.

3. What are the benefits of sparing Cassandra? Sparing Cassandra may open up new dialogue options, quests, or alliances later in the game.

4. Is there a "canon" choice regarding Cassandra's fate? No, The Outer Worlds is designed to accommodate a wide range of player choices, and there is no single "correct" path regarding Cassandra.

5. How does killing Cassandra impact the overall story of The Outer Worlds? Killing Cassandra may alter certain storylines, dialogue options, and character interactions throughout the game.

Should I Kill Cassandra Outer Worlds (2024)


Should I kill Cassandra Outer Worlds? ›

The player can trick Cassandra, temporarily agreeing to her terms, and end up killing her and taking the research. The other option is to share the data with her and get her and her group out safely. She can be convinced to part with all of the data even after saving everyone's hides and agreeing to her plan.

Who should I give Anton's research to? ›

You can take Anton's research back to him, where he'll pay you for it — and start a personal redemption arc — or you can keep it and sell it to Gladys.

Should I sell secrets to Gladys? ›

Should you sell the secrets to Gladys or give them to Crane? If you take the corporate secrets to Gladys, you get about 7,500 bits for your trouble. However, if you return them to Crane, Vaughn, and Orson, you get that same amount along with unique weapons and armor.

Can you sleep with Parvati Outer Worlds? ›

Parvati Holcomb

The game even has dialogue with Parvati that reveals her asexuality and allows players to give advice on how to proceed with Junlei. Parvati is a wonderful crewmate to have around for conversation and moral decisions, but unfortunately 100% off the menu romantically.

Who is the strongest companion in outer worlds? ›

  • 5 Ellie Fenhill. Ellie is a bit of a polarizing character for the fans. ...
  • 4 The Sanitation And Maintenance Automechanical Known As "SAM" In terms of raw power and utility in combat, SAM is the best. ...
  • 3 Nyoka Ramnarim-Wentworth III. ...
  • 2 Maximillian De Soto AKA "Vicar Max" ...
  • 1 Parvati Holcomb.
Mar 12, 2023

How do you get the secret ending in outer worlds? ›

How to get The Outer Worlds secret 'joke' ending. The Outer Worlds secret joke ending has you crash the only chance Halcyon has for survival into the sun. To achieve this brilliant ending, you must have a low enough intelligence stat to unlock the dumb dialogue options.

Can you marry Parvati Outer Worlds? ›

No Romance in The Outer Worlds

Parvati is asexual, though she still develops feelings for people, including the Groundbreaker's Junlei Tennyson.

How do I get Anton's data from Cassandra? ›

If you free Cassandra, you can get the research by attacking her, if you helped Lillian you can [Persuade 31] [Intimidate 46] or [Lie 45] her to get her to hand Anton's research over. Return to Anton, and either tell him the Outlaws made off with the research [Lie 15] or hand it over to him.

Do you have to pay Gladys 10000 bits? ›

Gladys is closer, so head though customs and the big gate to get to Groundskeeper proper, then follow the waypoint to make your way to her. Speak to Gladys, and she'll mention that she only has one NavKey, and it'll cost 10,000 bits. You probably don't have that much money, so take on her "opportunity" instead.

Who is the last companion in outer worlds? ›

Nyoka. Nyoka is the final companion you get, and you won't pick her up until you reach the planet Monarch. You'll run into Nyoka during the Radio Free Monarch main campaign quest.

How to get Stellar Bay NavKey for free? ›

If you steal Udom's seal from Glady's safe and give it to him, he send you on a quest where you can get the key for free. Fought through cascadia.As long as your appropriately leveled,the danger is really nowhere near as bad as they make it out to be. Landed on Monarch and ran like hell to Stellar Bay.

Should I give schematics to Orson Shaw or Gladys? ›

Give The Schematic To Orson Or Gladys

Give To Orson - He gives you some Bit Cartridges and the Ultimatum Pistol - he will later make you the Ulti-Nature pistol. You also gain experience and a boost to your Auntie Cleo reputation.

Does Gladys give you the NAV key? ›

She gives you money for the info. You use that money, or part of it to buy the navkey. The most devastating defeat is the one which comes when you have stood on the edge of victory. She gives you money for the info.

Is it possible to rescue Jameson Outer Worlds? ›

Should the player wish to rescue Jameson alive, it is recommended to proceed directly to the marked lab location without diversion. Jameson is located upstairs in the Auntie-Biotics Lab. He is near an office area containing many Raptidons and (if still alive) is trapped behind a locked door.

Who should I cut off power to outer worlds? ›

The most balanced outcome is to divert power to Edgewater, so it can thrive under Reed or Adelaide's leadership. Unlocking the Mightier Than The Sword achievement for saving Edgewater permanently requires diverting power to Edgewater, convincing the Deserters to return and leaving Reed in charge.

Who should you side with in outer worlds? ›

You must pick Edgewater or the Botanical Laboratory. This is your first faction choice in The Outer Worlds. Siding with Edgewater is siding with the corporation Spacer's Choice, while siding with the Botanical Camp will help the deserters who are fighting back against the companies that control Halcyon.

Is there a bad ending in Outer Worlds? ›

The Bad Ending

To be a true Outer Worlds villain, players can turn Phineas in to the Board at the Halcyon Holdings embassy. Players then go on a series of alternate (and diabolical) missions for the Board, which culminate in the bad ending.

What should I do with Dr Chartrand? ›

There is a workaround method that lets the Stranger kill Dr. Chartrand without turning the UDL guards and the automechanicals hostile. Choose to spare her letting her continue her research for the Board, convince the guard to let them go, go back near the elevator and shoot Dr. Chartrand in the head.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.